APBCo addresses DOJ Proposal on Immigration Judge Quotas
On July 26, 2017, the Association of Pro Bono Counsel expressed its deep concern over the Department of Justice's proposal to impose performance quotas on immigration judges in a letter to Chairs and Ranking Members of several Congress Committees and Subcommittees. Letter to Congress re Immigration Court Quotas
APBCo and Various Legal Aid Organizations File Amicus Briefs re Cy Pres Awards
The Association of Pro Bono Counsel, in collaboration with various national legal services organizations, filed two Amicus Briefs recently regarding Cy Pres awards. In Berentson et.al. v. Provide Commerce et. al., on appeal to the 9th Circuit from the U.S.D.C. - S.D.C.A., No. 3:09-cv-2094, McDermott Will & Emery LLP submitted the brief on [...]
APBCo Expresses Concern Over Incursions of ICE into NY State Courthouses in Letter to Chief Judge DiFiore
On July 6, 2017, the Association of Pro Bono Counsel expressed its deep concern over increasing incursions of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ("ICE") into the courthouses of New York State, in a letter to Chief Judge Janet DiFiore of the New York State Court of Appeals. In the letter, [...]
LAW360: Untold Stories: Trump’s Budget Would Silence Legal Services
APBCo President Kevin Curnin’s article, “Untold Stories: Trump's Budget Would Silence Legal Serivces,” was published on April 3, 2017.
APBCo Elects 2017 Officers and Board
The Association of Pro Bono Counsel Elects 2017 Officers and Board of Directors February 1 2017 - The Association of Pro Bono Counsel (APBCo) announced that it has elected its 2017 officers and board members. APBCo elected Kevin Curnin, Partner and Director of the Public Service Project at Stroock & [...]
Law360: Love and Law in the Age of Trump
APBCo President Kevin Curnin's article, "Love and Law in the Age of Trump," was published on January 30, 2017.
Law360 Op-Ed: Law Student Pro Bono Shines a Light On Civil Justice
APBCo president Kevin J. Curnin's Op-Ed piece was recently featured in Law360's In-Depth section. Law Student Pro Bono Shines A Light On Civil Justice
APBCo Expresses support for California SB6 in letter to Senator Hueso
On January 3, 2017, the Association of Pro Bono Counsel expressed its support for California Senate Bill 6, which provides funding for universal legal representation for every immigrant detained in California. Attached is the letter of support that APBCo sent to The Honorable Ben Hueso. The-Honorable-Ben-Hueso-ltr