Salesforce Chatter is a free, vibrant and highly informative resource for the APBCo community. Chatter provides an online forum where APBCo members can discuss all aspects of their pro bono practices and access to justice issues. We have a full membership group, as well as many sub-groups (for example, by office location), through which members freely ask for and receive advice on practice points and professional development. We regularly share knowledge on subjects as diverse as legal services partners, engagement letters, conflicts, experts, “What Counts?”, finding opportunities in cities where you have offices, and of course how to manage your practice internally.

In addition to the library on our website, APBCo also posts a range of materials on Chatter, which can be used as models for your own practice.

If you are a new member, your invitation to join Chatter will come from a “Salesforce” email address, so please watch your spam folders. Chatter has proven to be very useful for your fellow members. We encourage you to join! To get started, see “Chatter – A Basic Guide,” on our website. Chatter – A Basic Guide

If you’re having any difficulty navigating Chatter, let us know and we can walk you through it. And if you have ideas for how the APBCo community can improve upon how we use Chatter, please let us know.